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Kallis, kas Sa tead..?
Lovely 30. jaanuar 2018, kl 10.38
Every day is a day of love, free and happy
Dear 30. jaanuar 2018, kl 17.22
Why so pessimistic, or I get misunderstood
Love♥ ‿ ♥ly 30. jaanuar 2018, kl 17.55
It can't be true, when I talk about freedom and being happy, it seems that I am a pessimistic. Strange
You're my leader, my everything wherever you ♥ ‿ ♥ are, my love
my shining star
Dear 30. jaanuar 2018, kl 20.56
J think everyone is free to make the right choices that make us happy. It`s OK
Lovely 30. jaanuar 2018, kl 23.19
I hope you are satisfied with your choices
Sweet dreams, my dear
Dear 31. jaanuar 2018, kl 11.16
Looking back at life a positive perpective do not complain, but it`s also negative, as in life still
Lovely 31. jaanuar 2018, kl 11.59
Life can't be negative until you have love in your life
If you have bad choises, it looks negative I think
But sometimes it is impossible to choose, because you are chosen, for example,
as love chooses you
Dear 31. jaanuar 2018, kl 14.50
You`re right dear. I am very grateful that came to my life and give opportunity to love and be loved
Lovely 31. jaanuar 2018, kl 22.33
Yess, my love, I'm in heaven! Such a good stuff
Dear 01. veebruar 2018, kl 12.37
Yeah, you know the blessing of course.Someone has to be on two feet on the ground.Are you sure that we are right?
Lovely 01. veebruar 2018, kl 13.31
If we ride with Earth's madness at 1048 km / h, you can never be sure of anything. Everything is changing. The only one you can be sure of is death, taxes and love. The rest may be doubtful, my sweetie
Lovely 01. veebruar 2018, kl 15.39
In a word, yes, we are on the right side of the moon
Dear 01. veebruar 2018, kl 17.32
I hope, my darling, that the beautiful feelings,that we hold, will send us a long way
Lovely 01. veebruar 2018, kl 19.53
Together it will be long way to go, my sultry dear love
Dear 02. veebruar 2018, kl 10.28
Very nice idea for the beginning of the day! Then we can say goodbye to each other,my favorite
Lovely 02. veebruar 2018, kl 11.00
Goodbye my lover, goodbye
Lovely 02. veebruar 2018, kl 12.26
The way you loved me and teached me how to love you, I'm grateful for that
It was the greatest love story of my life
Thank you for loving me, I'll never forget you
Goodbye, my dear, I'm so sorry
Lovely 02. veebruar 2018, kl 12.48
Have a peaceful journey to the other side of the moon, my love
Lovely 02. veebruar 2018, kl 15.20
I miss you too
Dear 02. veebruar 2018, kl 15.41
Why do you do that,my darling. What kind of bothered you?
Lovely 02. veebruar 2018, kl 15.53
Do you even know who you're talking to?
Dear 02. veebruar 2018, kl 16.16
Yesterday I wanted to know if we were right? You probably know
Lovely 02. veebruar 2018, kl 16.29
Yess, my dear, yesterday I knew, today I no longer know
Is it you my love or are you just past echo
Dear 02. veebruar 2018, kl 17.02
I really can not understand anything.You decide. I`s sincere and I`m glad that it brought you to life in the sun
Lovely 02. veebruar 2018, kl 18.01
There is no misunderstanding here
I've told you a lot, my sweetheart
Read the book of love
Dear 03. veebruar 2018, kl 12.06
My readings of novels do not end very happily. At this time I only need stress therapy
Lovely 03. veebruar 2018, kl 12.52
Love affects the stardust
Sorry, my dearest tourtured genius
Maybe you should read the book of life then, or write it itself

Dear 03. veebruar 2018, kl 19.52
Thank your for on exciting advice.My life is very boring to put on the cover
Dear 03. veebruar 2018, kl 20.41
You have a great sense of humor and I appreciate it very ,my darling
Lovely 04. veebruar 2018, kl 12.22
There`s something missing in your life, that`s all. Am I right?
* ̄з ̄, probably, me, my dear
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