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Kallis, kas Sa tead..?
Dear 04. veebruar 2018, kl 16.37
Yeah, I`ve probably been alone for a long time,to be hard to understand.
If you think so, you`re on the right track ,my love
Lovely 04. veebruar 2018, kl 17.43
You've never been alone, my love is always around you
Whatever you do, wherever you go. I'm everywhere you might imagines,
my cute dear
Dear 04. veebruar 2018, kl 19.05
Thank you,darling! This is very encouraging.
And you know that I miss the same things as you,my sweet
Lovely 05. veebruar 2018, kl 09.50
Dear 05. veebruar 2018, kl 15.26
Has anyone told you that you`re sometimes pretty cute,my darling
Lovely 05. veebruar 2018, kl 21.39
You're the first one if you stay very close to me
Sometimes, my scented love
Dear 06. veebruar 2018, kl 09.55
My darlyng,these moments are at the price of could,
But feelings are difficult to put words
Lovely 06. veebruar 2018, kl 11.48
Yes my dear, there are no words
Lovely 06. veebruar 2018, kl 20.42
I want to see, my dear, how much you love me
Lovely 06. veebruar 2018, kl 20.49
Dear, I saw your last post disappearing, so I know, you wanted to show me something
What it was?
Dear 06. veebruar 2018, kl 21.29
I thought I typed something wrong,to delete it.
My darling,it`s interesting what you think about yourself or you will see, how much I love you?
Lovely 06. veebruar 2018, kl 21.51
I think you should write your true love
I'm not the one who you think I am, I'm not your darling
Sorry, a lot of confusion
Lovely 06. veebruar 2018, kl 22.33
I think your real darling is waiting for your joyful statement
Do not waste your love for strangers
Have a good time
Dear 07. veebruar 2018, kl 16.14
Certainly there are lovely people, but in my heart there can be only one place, for you darling, to love.And nobody can change it. I can not help this mad world, but trust , of course, is the basis of the relationship.Good time
Lovely 07. veebruar 2018, kl 19.52
So sad
Does your darling know about your love?
Yes, there are many lovelies around the world, and I am one of them, but you should tell all this for your true love, then there is also confidence
Or your love is so big that you want to tell it to the whole world?
Dear 08. veebruar 2018, kl 10.51
You`re really confused.
And who are you here for longing?
Lovely 08. veebruar 2018, kl 14.58
It's still you, no doubt
Dear 08. veebruar 2018, kl 15.32
Would like to be near you and hug you, so that all the worries and doubts will be lost
Lovely 08. veebruar 2018, kl 20.33
Yess, I miss your hug truely, madly, deeply, my sweet love
Lovely 09. veebruar 2018, kl 10.01
And I wanna kiss you and be touch-sensitive to your tricks and never let you go
That's the way it is, my fantastic lover and really deep love
Good morning, my dear
Dear 09. veebruar 2018, kl 14.14
That`s beautiful,my darling! Do not know when that could happen?
But what happened now - two days ago they said: that they are not my dear and do not want my love?
Lovely 09. veebruar 2018, kl 15.16
Maybe I'm too touch-sensitive, that's why it happened
So now are you confused?
Don`t worry, stars just playing their funny games sometimes

Dear 09. veebruar 2018, kl 15.43
It feels like you would test my feelings.
Would like to communicate directly with you, even though it is quite appealing here
Lovely 09. veebruar 2018, kl 17.15
Yes, my dear, I thought the same thing
I never want to hurt your feelings
Dear 09. veebruar 2018, kl 20.47
Here`s the same, I would never hurt you, my love
Love is a divine feeling, no need to ruin
Lovely 09. veebruar 2018, kl 21.53
Of course, it`s very enjoyable to chat with you here, but some things could only be known to us
Maybe we should talk , like you previously said, about love in private zone, especially that concerns us personally
You know, how to find me, my divine love
Dear 10. veebruar 2018, kl 11.34
Yeah, that`s a very good idea,dear
But forgive me, I wish you to get started ( eg Fb or as you wish)
It seems a little bit childish, but I´m a bit insecure
What do you think? my love
Lovely 10. veebruar 2018, kl 11.50
My love is not in Fb, sorry for having to be disappointed
But my awsome man is still here, in my heart
Lovely 10. veebruar 2018, kl 12.22
I think you should write your own lover so that you do not get wrong
I already warned you that stars love play fun games
By the way, I don`t use Fb
Be brave and write to her, she will surely wait for your message

Dear 10. veebruar 2018, kl 13.32
Oh,so you did it for fun only
Thank you for being a bit more exciting in my time
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