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Kallis, kas Sa tead..?
Lovely 10. veebruar 2018, kl 13.48
Do you really think I´m star?!
Continue with your true love, there`s nothing else to do
Don´t be afraid, your divine love will waiting for you, don´t waste it

Lovely 10. veebruar 2018, kl 14.39
There are unsent letters to which they do not have an addressee
Oddly enough, when people think that stars are sending them love
True love is on earth, not in heaven
You`re welcome
Dear 10. veebruar 2018, kl 16.29
No,it`s not about whether you`re starry or not.Sorry!
It seemed suspicious to me from the beginning,
because it`s impossible to find out who`s responding her
I think I`ll try to get away but you can be very true
Lovely 10. veebruar 2018, kl 17.41
Hey, try to find and write her, you must know how
Does she ever know that you love her?
Why you make yourself confused and insecure chattin' here with no one
Unfortunately it's not me, sorry
Dear 10. veebruar 2018, kl 18.48
The heart is one special and I thought about all this by writing to him,sincerely
Lovely 10. veebruar 2018, kl 19.37
So sad
Unfortunately, he does not love you
People are grazy and sometimes makes mistakes
But that does'nt mean that love would not exist
Find your real lover and life will be amazing
Dear 10. veebruar 2018, kl 20.47
Yes, so sad
Good recommendation
Lovely 10. veebruar 2018, kl 22.16
Imho the saddest thing is that you afraid and being insecure about your love
It's sad
If you really love someone you must say it him/her, otherwise it's just a self-defeat and a childish game

Lovely 10. veebruar 2018, kl 22.55
I have told my darling that I'm in love with him, and I know how good feeling it is
Do it also, you have nothing to lose
Dear 11. veebruar 2018, kl 10.48
Everything is allowed in love and war
But thank you for being worried
I am glad you have some wonderful words to say
It would change something from old
And think that he knows it in his hear
Lovely 11. veebruar 2018, kl 19.19
Your love is like a romance on a snowy winter's night like a warm comforting hug
It makes me feel sensual feminine luch pretty
You are delicious romantic
I feel like I walking in a delicate cloud of refinement and elegance
It makes me feel happy and more carefree, comforts me and still manages me to be sweetly sexy at the same time
I love You so, my Real Dear Love

Love is not war and war isn't love
Love is heaven and war is hell
But love lives in hell nor heaven
Dear 12. veebruar 2018, kl 10.11
Did you handle your hobby yesterday?
I was already worried
Very romantic and sensiteve message,This love moves me very much
Lovely 12. veebruar 2018, kl 13.01
It should have been sensitive because it was sent from my heart to my dear loving one
Do you feel anything about you?
Do you know me?
Have you seen me?
What color of lipstick do I wear?
Dear 12. veebruar 2018, kl 18.25
Maybe I`ve met in the dream,but never know what life can bring.
I think that the cherry red is ok
Lovely 12. veebruar 2018, kl 21.47
Yess, you're definitely aware of colors of love
What am I doing in your dreams?
Dear 13. veebruar 2018, kl 10.55
Just when we are close to your happiness,having a charming smile and glittering eyes
It gives us hope that we will meet again.
In the end you must not get lost becose I need your protection
Lovely 13. veebruar 2018, kl 11.22
Is that your dream? So sweet
Meet again?! Have we met in the past?
I don't think so, cause if it happened before, then you should know that my lipstick is bright lush coral, not cherry red
Protect you? Is it true that a woman should protect a man
You may still be confused and you have to write or talk with your true Lovley
Dear 13. veebruar 2018, kl 13.40
I just checed
From which you concluded that you are writing here with your real dear
I hope you find your dear
Lovely 13. veebruar 2018, kl 16.55
I'm already find him, thank you
Weird, if you really are him
I don't think so, that he is spending his time here and writing to no one, just for fun, checking something
Find you too your real lovely
Thank you anyway for good words
All the best
Lovely 13. veebruar 2018, kl 17.25
I have to fix a bit:
I already found him
He already received a message of love from me
He does not write spelling mistakes like me or someone here
And previous link was invalid, sorry
14.02.2018 13. veebruar 2018, kl 22.30
Head Kallima päeva kõigile!
Et mehed ei unustaks oma kallikest!
Lovely 14. veebruar 2018, kl 10.04
My Dear Valentine
It's for you
I'm so in love with you
Dear 14. veebruar 2018, kl 15.20
Thank you,my love Valentin and happy day
It makes me very happy
Lovely 14. veebruar 2018, kl 15.39
My Dear Valentin
I'm your Valentina
Love You!
Lo♥ely 14. veebruar 2018, kl 22.29
My Dear Valentin
Mostly every day
I ❤ You❣
Today I adore you with your hairy bearded cheek!
And my lipstick is especially for you cherry red today
Good night my Dear Love
perfect day 18. veebruar 2018, kl 12.42
Masculine Man 19. veebruar 2018, kl 19.23
chaussure à talon 20. veebruar 2018, kl 10.30
yess 20. veebruar 2018, kl 14.28
Today it`s very great perfect day
coquet 20. veebruar 2018, kl 20.47
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