- 15. mai 2007, kl 20.04 |
mann 15. mai 2007, kl 20.12 |
t 15. mai 2007, kl 20.34 |
google aitab.
Weight loss
Short answer: Going to the sauna does not make you lose weight.
Longer answer: yes, you can burn calories in the sauna, but you will be better off taking a short healthy walk.
Most of any perceived weight loss in a sauna is due to sweating. The loss of bodily fluids will make you lighter for a few hours, but you will get the kilos (pounds) back very soon. You will remain thirsty and when you next drink, the fluids will be restored to your body.
Meanwhile, increased cardiac output and the cooling process make the body use its energy resources. Estimates range from 300 or even 500 calories per sauna session (30 minutes), making it comparable to walking or jogging.
Weight loss
Short answer: Going to the sauna does not make you lose weight.
Longer answer: yes, you can burn calories in the sauna, but you will be better off taking a short healthy walk.
Most of any perceived weight loss in a sauna is due to sweating. The loss of bodily fluids will make you lighter for a few hours, but you will get the kilos (pounds) back very soon. You will remain thirsty and when you next drink, the fluids will be restored to your body.
Meanwhile, increased cardiac output and the cooling process make the body use its energy resources. Estimates range from 300 or even 500 calories per sauna session (30 minutes), making it comparable to walking or jogging.
leili 16. mai 2007, kl 09.02 |
sauna võib mõneti võrrelda trenniga, lihaskoormust küll pole, kuid organismile üldiselt küll, näit saunatreenig tugevdab südant
ja nagu eelpool öeldud, üks korralik saun kulatab nii 300-500 kcal, oleneb muidugi leilist ka
saun on üldse ilu ja tervise seisukohalt väga oluline
näit meemask kogu kehale aitab tselluliidi vastu ja toidab nahka, samuti on teraline mesi kooriv
mina käin saunas vähemalt kaks korda nädalas, periooditi iga päev ja näen roosa ning rõõsa välja, soovitan kõigile ning harjutades tasapisi hakkab ka oluliselt kuumemat leili taluma
ja nagu eelpool öeldud, üks korralik saun kulatab nii 300-500 kcal, oleneb muidugi leilist ka
saun on üldse ilu ja tervise seisukohalt väga oluline
näit meemask kogu kehale aitab tselluliidi vastu ja toidab nahka, samuti on teraline mesi kooriv
mina käin saunas vähemalt kaks korda nädalas, periooditi iga päev ja näen roosa ning rõõsa välja, soovitan kõigile ning harjutades tasapisi hakkab ka oluliselt kuumemat leili taluma
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