-Fucs Kirjutas:
> This happens with each web site that uses the POST
> method for forms.
> This warning is useless for
> non-secure web sites because it does not really pr
> event duplicates posts. Only the web site creator
> can prevent duplicated posts.
> It's a bug in
> Safari, though the geeks will tell you it's desig
> ned that way. Google's Chrome doesn't have that bu
> g, works much faster, and is easier to use as well
> . Give it a try and you'll not have the problem wi
> th Safari any more. Apple won't fix it, because th
> ey think it's a good bug (for some insane reason).
> ******************************************
> ************
> Ehk siis see on Safari enda is
> eärasus või viga ja kui see närvidele käib, siis k
> asuta nt Google Chrome lehitsejat parem.
> ht
> tps://discussions.apple.com/thread/2318162?start=0
> &tstart=0
Ma olen aastaid käinud seal kodulehel/foorumis ja kunagi enne pole sellist teadet ette tulnud. See on viimase kuu aja asi ja kusagil mujal olles seda teadet ette ka ei tule. Pole see mingi Safari iseärasus :)