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Teata kohatust postitusest - moderaator@delfi.ee
soovitage muusikat...
kirjumirju 04. veebruar 2010, kl 01.24

1)ei oleks inglise keeles,
2)kõik teised rohkem või vähem eksootilised keeled on oodatud.
3)võiks jääda stiililt etno- ja folkmuusika kanti (et siis erinevate maade rahvamuusika) või lihtsalt olla mõttega tehtud lugu.
4)võiks kõlada nagu väljamaa jaan tätte või jäääär või johansonid.
4)oleks midagi sellist, mida ma veel pole kuulanud! :)

kõik soovitused saavad kindlasti läbi proovitud! aitäh!
m 06. veebruar 2010, kl 20.49

see laul peaks vastama tingimustele 1-3
n 06. veebruar 2010, kl 20.56
vastab tingimustele nr 1

Istuv Sõnn 10. veebruar 2010, kl 16.08
Linki ei oska teha

. 10. veebruar 2010, kl 18.25

Linki ei oska teha, aga kui keegi õpetuse annaks, siis mõni teine kord ehk saaks sellega hakkama juba :).
täheke 11. veebruar 2010, kl 21.54
huvitav ja omapärane lugu:


lingi tegemine on väga lihtne. kirjutad lingi ära ja selle ette paned < ja lõppu >. ehk siis ühtepidi ja teispidi noole. oluline on et lingil on täispikk nimi, ehk et ta algaks http:// mitte kohe www'ga
katsetan 12. veebruar 2010, kl 06.52
tommy 12. veebruar 2010, kl 07.12
katsetajal mu meelest hää lugu:D
kirjumirju 13. veebruar 2010, kl 02.27
aitäh, aitäh, laske aga edasi! :)

joe dassin on üks minu suurimaid lemmikuid juba palju aastaid. peaaegu kõik tema lood on läbinisti head.

deep forest meeldib väga ja ülekõige just seesama forest hymn.

ülejäänusid polnud varem kuulnud.

veel mõned lood:

Ruthie 14. veebruar 2010, kl 09.38
See on küll pigem Flamenco, aga vastab tingimustele nr 1 ja 2 < http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVlT-H7ENUE >
pepe 24. veebruar 2010, kl 14.45
pepe 24. veebruar 2010, kl 16.07
Sorry, Bronski Beat polnud siia mõeldud. Ehk meeldib siit midagi:
trenet 24. veebruar 2010, kl 22.46
Kas meeshäälele või naiste häälele? Kus esitamiseks?
Proovi seda: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDQIGraR3aI&feature=related
See küll ingliskeelne aga see eest ei jäta kedagi külmaks. Alati paneb võdisema. Kelle vastikusest, kelle...Ja harfi mängimise pead ära õppima!

Proovi kas saad selle Portisheadi solisti lauldud inglisekeelse laulu laulmisega hakkama: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJrRVl7goLE

Ühe väga tuntud ja parajalt hea loo hea esitus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVpGip54l90
Michelle 27. veebruar 2010, kl 22.38

hea tuju tuleb alati!! :)
Michelle 27. veebruar 2010, kl 23.13

Väga kaunis muusika!!! Nautige:)
m 01. märts 2010, kl 00.16
Ülle 22. mai 2016, kl 11.51
Ülle 22. jaanuar 2017, kl 19.51
Soov 16. oktoober 2020, kl 12.47
Melodie TV
Andre 29. jaanuar 2021, kl 01.05
Üllatus lugu! Sexy ja kuum!
Andre 29. jaanuar 2021, kl 01.11
Vean kihla et eelmises loos paljud saavad aru ainult sõnadest:bad boy!
.... 06. veebruar 2021, kl 17.30
AureaRea 01. märts 2021, kl 11.29
Seal on palju muusikat, mida saan soovitada. Kuid kui teil on tuju ja vajate väljaandmist, peate tutvuma nii Phoebe Bridgersi kui ka Julien Bakeri viimaste albumitega. Need võivad kõlada kurbade lugudena, kuid kui suudate ära tunda ande ja ülimalt hea kirjutamise, on teil parim aeg seda näha. Ma tean, et on mõningaid aspekte, mida me näeme, haavatavate lugudega on lihtsalt midagi erilist, millel pole sellise asjaga probleeme. Loodan, et on inimesi, kellel on muusikaga piiratud probleeme, kuid kui soovite oma ellu mõnda lõbusat muusikat, pole Carly Rae Jepseni omamine muud kui vinge. Veenduge, et kuulate spektri mõlemat otsa, nii et mõlemas otsas võiksite tunda õnne ja kurbust. Seal on mõni pokkerimuusika, mille saate siit eriti selliste lugudega nagu All That Carlylt.

Viide: https://slotsbonuses.io/video-poker/
Tjunsu 06. detsember 2023, kl 12.52
Neid tasub korduvalt kuulata 06. detsember 2023, kl 12.53
357 String Band-Band riot act 357 String Band-Only going where ive gone
357 String Band-Up jump the devil Aaron Watson-Heyday Tonight
Alabama-One more time around Alan Jackson-Burnin the honky tonks down
Alan Jackson-She dont get the blues Alan Jackson-Walkin the floor over me
Alecia Nugent-Wreckin the Train ALISON HAMS-SECOND FIDDLE
Alison Krauss-No place to hide Alvin Lee-Rock N Roll Guitar Picker
American Graveyard-Moonshine American Graveyard-Pretty baby
Amy Adams-Ladies Must Dress Amy Ray-The rock is my foundation
Angaleena Presley-American Middle Class Angela Easterling-A Married Man
Angela Strehli-Boogie like you wanna Anita Cochran-God Created Woman
Anson Funderburgh-Happy man Anson Funderburgh-How long
Anson Funderburgh-I done quit getting sloppy drunk Anson Funderburgh-Im your professor
Anson Funderburgh-Missing person Anson Funderburgh-My kind of baby
Anson Funderburgh-Red hot mama Anson Funderburgh-Shedding tears of laughter
Anson Funderburgh-Waitin on you mamma Anson Funderburgh-Walking Dr Bill
Arlo Guthrie-This troubled mind of mine Ashley Monroe-Winning Streak
Ashton Shepherd-Look it up Audrey Auld-Doin Well
Barry Thompson-Cowboydaddy Baskery-Mortal Baskery-Nobody nice
Bellamy Brothers-God aint finished with me yet Bellamy Brothers-Guardian angel
Bellamy Brothers-Jennie Rae Bellamy Brothers-New man in the suit
Bellamy Brothers-Rodeo for jesus Big Bill Broonzy-Hey hey baby
Big Bill Broonzy-John Henry Big Joe Turner-Wee Baby Blues
Big Joe Williams-Mamma dont like me runnin round Big Joe Williams-Shetland pony blues
Bill Flagg-Guitar Rock Billy Sahner-Everything You Know Is Wrong
Billy Yates-The alphabet song BJ Thomas-Just a little talk with jesus
BJ Thomas-The unclouded day Blackberry Smoke-Holding All the Roses
Blind Willie McTell-Dont forget it Blonde Boy Grunt And The Groans-For You
Blue Moon Rising-Stone Cold Loneliness Bo Ramsey-In The Weeds
Bob Brozman-Just as well to let her go Bob Brozman-Worryin the blues away
Bob Dylan-Outlaw blues Bob Wayne-Mack Bob Wire-In Defense of the Raisin
Bobbie Cryner-Im through waitin on you Bottle Rockets-Every Kinda Everything
Bottle Rockets-Indianapolis Bottle Rockets-Man of constant anxiety
Bottle Rockets-Perfect far away Bottle Rockets-Pretty little angie
Bottle Rockets-Rich man Bottle Rockets-Shes about a mover
Bottle Rockets-The way it used to be Boxcar Willie-Truck Driving Man
BR5 49-One long saturday night Brandi Carlile-Raise Hell
Brenda Lee-Rock the bop Brian Burns-Ive been everywhere in Texas
Brian Burns-Welcome To Texas Brooks & Dunn-Cool drink of water
Brownie McGhee-The blues had a baby Brownie McGhee-Walk on
Brownie McGhee-Wine sporty orty CA Bradley And The Breeze-Idaho Dream
Calvin Russell-Aint leavin your love Calvin Russell-Behind the 8 ball
Calvin Russell-Characters Calvin Russell-Dont want to go heaven
Calvin Russell-Free in freedom Calvin Russell-Like a revolution
Calvin Russell-Oval room Calvin Russell-Texas bop
Calvin Russell-Why i love her Calvin Russell-Wild wild west
Canailles-Titanic Carl Perkins-Sittin on top of the world
Carlene Carter-Cry Carlene Carter-Foggy mountain top
Carlene Carter-Hurricane Carlene Carter-Wastin Time With You
Carrie Underwood-Cowboy Casanova Carrie Underwood-Cupids got a shotgun
Chalee Tennison-Cheaters Road Champion Jack Dupree-Drinkin wine spo dee o dee
Champion Jack Dupree-Hamhark and limer beans Champion Jack Dupree-Im going home
Champion Jack Dupree-Im gonna hang up my dancing shoes
Champion Jack Dupree-Jumping in the wood Champion Jack Dupree-Nasty Boogie
Champion Jack Dupree-Way down Champion Jack Dupree-Whiskey in the well
Charlie Daniels Band-Boogie woogie man Charlie Daniels Band-Drinkin my baby goodbye
Charlie Daniels Band-Get me back to dixie Charlie Daniels Band-Wichita jail
Charlie Robison-Barlight Cherryholmes-Dont give your heart to a Knoxville girl
Cherryholmes-I dont know Chip Taylor-I wasnt born in Tennessee
Chris Darrow-Small plane in a big sky Chris Duarte-Brand new day
Chris Ledoux-Hometown cowboy Chris Ledoux-Honky tonk world
Chris Stapleton-Parachute Chuck Mead-The Devil By Their Side
Chuck Ragan-Between the Lines Clay Davidson-Plain ol pain
Clint Black-I Can Get By Clint Black-Ill Be Gone
Collin Raye-Any old stretch of blacktop Collin Raye-I love being wrong
Collin Raye-I want you bad and that aint good Collin Raye-If i were you
Collin Raye-Nothin a little love wont cure Collin Raye-To the border and beyond
Confederate Railroad-11 months 29 days Confederate Railroad-Black label white lies
Confederate Railroad-Hard livin Confederate Railroad-Light up an old flame
Confederate Railroad-Momma aint home tonight Confederate Railroad-Move over madonna
Confederate Railroad-Time off for bad behavior Connie Smith-Ill be there if you ever need
Corb Lund-Roughest Neck Around Cory Morrow-Misty Shade of Blue
Cross Canadian Ragweed-Deal Cross Canadian Ragweed-Late last night
Cross Canadian Ragweed-Smoke another Crystal Gayle-Counterfeit love i know youve got it
Crystal Gayle-Time will prove that im right Dallas Wayne-Hoedown in hell
Dash Rip Rock-String You Up Dave Alvin-Johnny Ace is dead
Dave Dudley-Truck Driving Man David Ball-Thinkin problem
Dayron Sharp-Bad Mother Father Deana Carter-If this is love
Deana Carter-You still shake me Dean-Como friegas Mujer
Deer Tick-Friday 13 Del Reeves-Looking at the world through a windshield
Delta Moon-Aint no train Delta Moon-Hellbound train
Delta Moon-Shes mine shes yours Dixie Chicks-Give it up or let me go
Dixie Chicks-Hole in my head Dixie Chicks-The thrill is in the chase
Doc Watson-Cypress grove blues Doc Watson-The girl i love
Doc Watson-Three times seven Doc Watson-Worried blues
Dolly Parton-Big wind Dolly Parton-Chicken every sunday
Dolly Parton-I wanna go back there Doug Sahm-Poison love
Downchild Blues Band-A gilr i love to love Downchild Blues Band-It isnt right
Downchild Blues Band-Its a matter of time Downchild Blues Band-Its been so long
Downchild Blues Band-Must have been the devil Downchild Blues Band-Set a date
Doyle Bramhall-The hunter Dr Frys Texas Medicine Band-Only car in your garage
Dr Wu And Friends-Rockin Chuck Berry Blues Drive By Truckers-Sink hole
Duke Robillard-Dont look at my girl like that Duke Robillard-Down along the cove
Duke Robillard-Shoulda coulda woulda Duke Robillard-When my love comes down
Dwight Yoakam-Act naturally Dwight Yoakam-Along way home
Dwight Yoakam-I dont care just as long as Dwight Yoakam-Loves gonna live here
Dwight Yoakam-My heart skips a beat Dwight Yoakam-Smoke along the track
Dwight Yoakam-Thats okay Dwight Yoakam-Throughout all time
Dwight Yoakam-Watch out Dwight Yoakam-What i dont know
E&B Haircut-You Cant Follow Me into My Heart Eddie Spaghetti-Sleepy vampire
Eddie Spaghetti-The best of all possible worlds Eleven Hundred Springs-Seven days
Emmylou Harris-Amarillo Emmylou Harris-Bad moon rising
Emmylou Harris-Bottle let me down Emmylou Harris-Feelin single seein double
Emmylou Harris-Long tall Sally Rose Emmylou Harris-Sisters coming home
Eric Sardinas-Aggravatin papa Eric Sardinas-Down in the bottom
Eric Sardinas-Get along rider Eric Sardinas-Write me a few lines
Evangenitals-Gasoline Evangenitals-The work song
Eyeballin Torpedoes-Drown Myself In Sorrow Eyeballin Torpedoes-Ghost Town Rodeo
Eyeballin Torpedoes-Huevos Rancheros Faith Hill-Lifes too short to love like that
Frankie Miller-Firin Line Garth Brooks-Aint going down til the sun comes up
Garth Brooks-Papa loved mama Garth Brooks-Take the keys to my heart
Gary Cooper-The Getaway George Hamilton-Come on home boy
George Strait-Down and out George Strait-I cant see texas from here
George Strait-Ive got a funny feeling George Strait-Thats me every chance i get
George Strait-Wont you come home and talk to a stranger
Gloriana-Its On Tonight Audio Only Good Lovelies-Free
Gordon Lightfoot-You Are What I Am Greg Brown-Betty Ann
Greg Brown-I dont know anybody in this town Gretchen Wilson-Get outta my yard
Grey Delisle-Gods got it Guitar Shorty-Blues in my blood
Guitar Shorty-Cant get enough Guitar Shorty-Maybe shell miss me
Guitar Shorty-Sonic boom Gurf Morlix-Big eye
Gurf Morlix-I aint goin that way Gurf Morlix-Your picture
Guy Clark-No Deal Hackensaw Boys-Jonah
Hackensaw Boys-Nashville Hank Williams- Daytona Nights
Hank Williams- I Mean I Love You Hank Williams-Family Tradition
Hank Williams-Honky Tonk Girls Hank Williams-Hotel Whiskey
Hank Williams-If You Dont Like Hank Williams Hank Williams-Love MD
Hank Williams-Rebel Within Hazmat Modine-Who walk when i walk out
Hellbound Glory-Gettin high and hittin new lows
Hellbound Glory-Im leavin now long gone daddy Highlonesome-Head Hunter
Highlonesome-The Boughs Have Broken Highlonesome-Were All Just Gonna Fall
Highwaymen-Big river Idlewilde-Midnight train blues
Ila Auto-Easier to go down hill Jace Everett-I gotta have it
Inger Nordstrm Rhinestone Band-Wearin My Inside Out
Jake Owen-Days Of Gold James Talley-When the fiddler packs his case
Jamison Road-Coaltown Jason Aldean-Sweet little somethin
Jason Meadows-I Feel A Sin Comin On Jayke Orvis-Lead me astray
Jayke Orvis-West wind JD Short-The Spoonful Jeff Carson-Yeah Buddy
Jerry Garcia-Tore up over you Jerry Lee Lewis-Mean old man
Jerry Lee Lewis-You can have her Jerry Reed-Lord Mr Ford
Jesse Fuller-Hump in your back Jesse Fuller-Midnight special
Jesse Fuller-New corrine Jesse Fuller-Runnin wild
Jesse Fuller-Take it slow and easy Jesse Fuller-The way you treat me
Jesse Fuller-Trouble if i dont use my head Jim Stringer-The Truth As We Know It
Jimmie Vaughan-Boom bapa boom Jimmie Vaughan-Roll roll roll
Jimmy Buffett-Ringling ringling Jimmy Buffett-Useless But Important Information
Jimmy Lafave-Gotta ramble Jimmy Lafave-Music from the motor court
Jimmy Lafave-Rocket in my pocket Jimmy Lafave-Route 66 revisited
Jimmy Reed-A New Leaf Jimmy Reed-Big boss man
Jimmy Reed-Found Love Jimmy Reed-Go On To School
Jimmy Reed-Im gonna get my baby Joan Osborne-Roll like a big wheel
Joan Osborne-Shake your hips Joe Ely-Sue me sue
Joe Nichols-Comin Back In A Cadillac John Denver-Homegrown tomatoes
John Denver-When i was a cowboy John Fogerty-Blue ridge mountain blues
John Fogerty-It aint right John Hiatt-Damn this town
John Hiatt-Find you at last John Hiatt-Im a real man
John Hiatt-Marianne John Hiatt-Zero house
John Hiatt-Take it back John Hiatt-Tennessee plates
John Hiatt-Thing called love John Hiatt-Wintertime blues
John Mayall-Burned bridges John Mayall-Driving on
John Mayall-Dust my blues John Mayall-Fan the flames
John Mayall-Hide and seek John Mayall-Long story short
John Mayall-Mama talk to your daughter John Mayall-Sugarcane
John Mayall-Rock and roll kitchen John Mayall-Taxman blues
John Mayall-Voodoo music John Michael Montgomery-Love Is Our Business
John Prine-Bear Creek Blues John Prine-Please Dont Bury Me
John Starling-Heart trouble Johnny Cash-After the ball
Johnny Cash-All i do is drive Johnny Cash-Arkansas lovin man
Johnny Cash-Big river Johnny Cash-Country boy
Johnny Cash-Doin my time Johnny Cash-Folsom prison blues
Johnny Cash-Good morning friend Johnny Cash-Mississippi Sand
Johnny Cash-Understand your man Johnny Cash-Youre my baby
Johnny Moeller-Got a feelin Johnny Moeller-Well goodbye baby
Johnny Winter-Broke and lonely Johnny Winter-Drinkin blues
Johnny Winter-Hustled down in Texas Johnny Winter-It ll be me
Johnny Winter-Johnny guitar Johnny Winter-Last night
Johnny Winter-Lights out Johnny Winter-Lone wolf
Johnny Winter-Mad blues Johnny Winter-Maybellene
Johnny Winter-Mojo boogie Johnny Winter-Mother in law blues
Johnny Winter-No more doggin Johnny Winter-Rollin and tumblin
Johnny Winter-One step forward two steps back Johnny Winter-Route 90
Johnny Winter-Serious as a heart attack Johnny Winter-Shake your moneymaker
Johnny Winter-Shame shame shame Johnny Winter-So much love
Johnny Winter-Sugar coated love Johnny Winter-Sugaree
Johnny Winter-Thats what love does Johnny Winter-Treat me like you wanta
Johnny Winter-You must have a twin Johnny Winter-Youre humbuggin me
Jorma Kaukonen-Its a god almighty world Jorma Kaukonen-Nashville blues
Jorma Kaukonen-Red river blues June Carter Cash-Meeting In The Air
Jussi Syren-Some Old Side Road Kacey Musgraves-Stupid
Kasey Chambers-Georgia Brown Kasey Chambers-I got you now
Kenny Chesney-I finally found somebody Kenny Chesney-Id love to change your name
Kenny Chesney-Paris Tennessee Kenny Chesney-Somebodys callin
Kenny Chesney-The bigger the fool the harder the fall
Kenny Chesney-Turn for the worse Kenny Chesney-Whatever it takes
Kenny Jacobson-Never To Die Kim Carnes-Heartbreak radio
King Virtue-Quick And Dirty Lance Lopez-Your love
Kitty Daisy And Lewis-Aint always better your way KJ Trent-COUNTRY RAPPIN
Kitty Daisy And Lewis-It aint your business
Kris Kristofferson-Best Of All Possible Worlds
Larry And His Flask-Home of the slave Laura Bell Bundy-Ill Make the Money
Leann Rimes-Gasoline and matches Leann Rimes-Good lookin man
Leann Rimes-My baby Leann Rimes-Nothing better to do
Leann Rimes-Swingin Leann Rimes-You aint right
Lee Ann Womack-All His Saints Lee Ann Womack-Does my ring burn your finger
Lee Ann Womack-Get up in jesus name Levon Helm-Stuff you gotta watch
Lee Ann Womack-I feel like im forgetting something
Lightnin Hopkins-Easy on Your Heels Lightnin Hopkins-I Mean Goodbye
Lightnin Hopkins-Im Taking A Devil Of A Chance Lonestar-Cheaters road
Lightnin Hopkins-Rolling and rolling Lightnin Hopkins-Sinners Prayer
Little Big Town-Little White Church Lonnie Mack-50s 60s man
Lonestar-Does Your Daddy Know About Me Lonnie Donegan-Muleskinner blues
Lonnie Mack-Baby whats wrong Lonnie Mack-Back on the road again
Lonnie Mack-Buffalo woman Lonnie Mack-Cocaine blues
Lonnie Mack-Give of your love Lonnie Mack-Long way from Memphis
Lonnie Mack-Rock people Lonnie Mack-Satisfy Suzie
Lost Dogs-If You Loved Here Lost Dogs-Why Is The Devil Red
Lou Ann Barton-Good Lover Loudon Wainwright-Brand new dance
Lucinda Williams-Cant let go Luke Bryan-Country girl shake it for me
Lyle Lovett-Pantry Lyle Lovett-White freightliner blues
Lynn Logan And The Leading Edge Band-Hot headed honey
Maria Daines-DRIVIN MAN Marty Robbins-Mean Mama Blues
Matt Lindahl-Georgia on a Fast Train Mel McDaniel-Walk That Way
Merle Haggard-Folsum prison blues Merle Haggard-Life of a rodeo cowboy
Merle Haggard-Mixed up mess of a heart Merle Haggard-Moanin the blues
Merle Haggard-Thanking the good lord Merle Haggard-The girl turned ripe
Merle Haggard-Walking the floor over you
Merle Haggard-Where does the good times go
Michael Katon-Boogie is my business Michael Katon-Dirty thang
Michael Katon-Gotta move Michael Katon-Proud to be loud
Michael Katon-Roadhouse 69 Michael Katon-Roadtest
Michael Martin Murphey-Let The Cowboy Dance
Michael Martin Murphey-Tyin Knots In The Devils Tail
Mike Henderson-Drivin nails in my coffin
Mike Henderson-I wouldnt lay my guitar down
Mike Henderson-One foot in the honky tonk
Mike Richardson-No Bubbles in Tequila
Miranda Lambert-Something bad Miranda Lambert-Somewhere trouble dont go
Montgomery Gentry-Ive loved a lot more than ive hurt
Neal Black-Hell on the highway Neal Black-Im gonna cry
Neal Black-Lost on a blue highway Neal Black-Never say die
Neal Black-Somebody call mama Neal Black-Sometimes you get lucky
Neil Young-World on a string New Grass Revival-White freightliner Blues
New Riders Of The Purple Sage-Whiskey Nick Drake-Black Mountain Blues
Nick Lowe-Ba doom Nick Lowe-Big big love
Nick Lowe-Geisha girl Nick Lowe-Honey gun
Nick Lowe-I want to build a jumbo ark Nick Lowe-Lovers jamboree
Nick Lowe-Refrigerator white Nick Lowe-Wishing well
Nick Lowe-You got the look i like
North Mississippi Allstars-Mississippi boll weevil
Old Crow Medicine Show-Alabama high test
Old Crow Medicine Show-Down south blues
Old Crow Medicine Show-Hesitation blues
Old Crow Medicine Show-Minglewood blues
Old Crow Medicine Show-Mississippi saturday night
Old Crow Medicine Show-Show shit creek
Old Crow Medicine Show-Steppin out
Old Crow Medicine Show-Tell it to me
Old Crow Medicine Show-Tennessee bound
Old Crow Medicine Show-Trouble that im in
Old Man Markley-Do me like you do
Pat Mears-Babys Blues Patty Loveless-Lovin all night
Patty Loveless-On down the line Patty Loveless-You dont get no more
Paula James-Wrong Kind Of Crowd Phillip Walker-Hello my darling
Pistol Annies-Bad Example Pistol Annies-The Hunters Wife
Pixie Jenkins-Ill Be Back Never Fear Powersolo-Got No Fear
Ralph Cashen-I Feel The Blues Coming On Ralph Cashen-Keep on Truckin
Ramblin Jack Elliott-Call me a dog
Ramblin Jack Elliott-Driving Nails in My Coffin
Randy Travis-Highway Junkie Ray Scott-Boppin wigwam Willie
Ray Wylie Hubbard-Train yard Rebel Son-Chain gang
Rebel Son-Drink myself drunk Rebel Son-Four times a day
Rebel Son-How did you get so ugly Rebel Son-Move on down the line
Rebel Son-My new plan Rebel Son-The way i remember you
Rebel Son-This old train Rebel Son-What you think
Rebel Son-You aint nothin Red Simpson-Give me forty acres
Red Simpson-Diesel smoke dangerous curves Red Simpson-Jackknife
Red Simpson-Motivatin man Red Simpson-Nitro express
Red Simpson-Truck drivin man Restless Heart-The truth hurts
Rhonda Vincent-Caught in the Crossfire
Richard Johnston-Catfish blues
Richard Johnston-Miss Maebelle Ricky Lynn Gregg-Alright already
Robert Belfour-Breaking my heart Robert Belfour-My Babys Gone
Robert Belfour-I got my eyes on you Ron Daisley-Im a Bad Boy
Rodney Crowell-Jesus Talk to Mama Ronnie Earl-Evening Sun
Ronnie Earl-Ridin in the moonlight Ronnie Earl-Sick and tired
Rosanne Cash-707 Rosanne Cash-World of strange design
Rose Maddox-Each season changes you Rose Maddox-Footprints in the snow
Roy Orbison-Youre My Baby Rusty Wier-Long and lonesome highway blues
Sarah Blackwood-Lonely parade Sarah Blackwood-Trainwreck
Sawyer Brown-Fire In The Rain Scott H Biram-Truck Driver
Sheryl Crow-Lucky Kid Sheryl Crow-There goes the neighborhood
Shivas Headband-Homesick armadillo blues
Shoshaunna Gragg-Break in the fenc
Sleepy John Estes-Stop That Thing
Slim Cessnas Auto Club-This Land is Our Land Redux
Snooky Pryor And Mel Brown-Dirty Rat
Sonny Boy Williamson-Bring it on home
Sonny Boy Williamson-Checkin up on my baby
Sonny Boy Williamson-I know what love is all about
Sonny Boy Williamson-Let your conscience be your guide
Sonny Boy Williamson-Thats all i want Sonny Boy Williamson-The goat
Sonny Boy Williamson-This is my apartment
Sonny Boy Williamson-Too close together Southern Pacific-GTO
Southern Pacific-Killbilly hill Southern Pacific-The invisible man
Southern Pacific-Wheels on the line
Starline Rhythm Boys-Thats where i went wrong
Steve James-Ooze It To Me Mama Stevie Ray Vaughan-Im cryin
Stevie Ray Vaughan-Scratch n sniff Stevie Ray Vaughan-Tell me
Stevie Ray Vaughan-The house is rockin
Stonewall Jackson-Trouble and me Stu D Baker-Cactus Jack
Tanya Tucker-If Your Heart Aint Busy Tonight
The Artie Dean Harris Band-Beautiful Horses & Fast Women
The Band-Stuff you gotta watch The Bloody Jug Band-Boy named Lucy
The Bloody Jug Band-Cold cold sweat The Bloody Jug Band-Devils hand
The Bloody Jug Band-Hidden good The Bloody Jug Band-If you want blood
The Bosshoss-Stallion battalion The Boxmasters-Goin home
The Breakers-Get It Right The Breakers-This Is The Last Time
The Coffinshakers-Black sunday The Coffinshakers-Halloween
The Coffinshakers-Everything i touch turns to tears
The Coffinshakers-Pale man in black The Coffinshakers-The Coffinshaker
The Common Linnets-Time has no mercy
The Dad Horse Experience-Merchandise Song
The Derailers-Bad bad girl The Derailers-Cattin
The Devil Makes Three-Spinning like a top
The Devil Makes Three-Stranger The Devil Makes Three-Sweeping
The Dirt Daubers-Cant go to heaven The Don Darlings-If you cant be good
The Don Darlings-Transcendental noise The Doobie Brothers-Dangerous
The Duhks-Banjo roustabout The Fabulous Thunderbirds-Got to get out
The Earls Of Leicester-I wont be hanging around
The Fabulous Thunderbirds-Two time fool
The Hodges Brothers-Charmin Betsy The Howlin Brothers-Pour it down
The Loose Salute-Perhaps shell fly The McClymonts-Cannonball
The Meanees-Foreman Of The Jury
The Meat Purveyors-TMP Smackdown
The Mighty Lumberhorn-Im gonna burn in hell halleluja
The Mighty Stef-Horse Tranquilizer The Moore Brothers-Love light
The Moore Brothers-Wildcat tamer
The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band-High horse
The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band-Jambalaya on the bayou
The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band-Just enough ashland city
The Notorious Cherry Bombs-Oklahoma Dust
The Oak Ridge Boys-Dig A Little Deeper In The Well
The Ringarounds-Long legged guitar picken man
The Road Hammers-East bound and down
The Road Hammers-Girl on the billboard
The Road Hammers-Hammer goin down
The Road Hammers-Nashville bound
The Road Hammers-Overdrive The Sadies-Another Year Again
The Secret Sisters-River Jordan The Skeeters-Mother Trucker
The Smokn Coyotes-Hittin The Highway
The Smokn Coyotes-Outside My Door
The Spinney Brothers-Gonna Catch a Train
The Steeldrivers-Hear the willow cry
The Stone Rangers-Big Guitar The Tractors-Fallin apart
The Tractors-Settin the woods on fire
The Tractors-Ive had enough The Tractors-Thirty days
The Tractors-Tryin to get to New Orleans
The Unique Acoustic Rock Show-Union Avenue
The Waco Brothers-Bad Times Are Comin Round Again
The Waco Brothers-Hard Times The West Coast Pinups-Old OB
The Wild Feathers-Backwoods company
Those Poor Bastards-Doggone Tim Mcgraw-Down on the farm
Tim Mcgraw-Give it to me strait Tim Mcgraw-Memory lane
Tim Mcgraw-Thats just me Tinsley Ellis-Grow a pair
Tinsley Ellis-Red dress Tinsley Ellis-Second thoughts
Tinsley Ellis-Tulane Tiny-Lonliness
Tiny-Shame Toby Keith-Get my drink on
Todd Snider-Late last night Todd Snider-Side show blues
Todd Snider-Trouble Todd Snider-Whats wrong with you
Tom Lambert-Big Rig Blues Tony Joe White-9 foot sack
Tony And His Dusty Boots Band-Keep The Smile
Tony Joe White-Alligator Mississippi
Tony Joe White-Bare necessities
Tony Joe White-Chaos boogie
Tony Joe White-Closing in on the fire
Tony Joe White-Cool town woman Tony Joe White-Disco blues
Tony Joe White-Gumbo John Tony Joe White-Ice cream man
Tony Joe White-Living off the land
Tony Joe White-Mama dont let your cowboys grow up to be babie
Tony Joe White-Menutha Tony Joe White-Steamy windows
Tony Joe White-Storm comin Tony Joe White-Texas woman
Tony Joe White-The beach life Tony Joe White-The gift
Tony Joe White-Tunica motel Tony Joe White-Way down south
Tony Vega Band-Dear sweet goodness
Tony Vega Band-Hard to love
Trailerpark Idlers-Get Down On Your Knees Sinner
Travis Tritt-Shes going home with me
Trick Pony-Nobody Ever Died of a Broken Heart
Trio Gringo-My sister and the neighbours horse
UP Wilson-Ill be coming home UP Wilson-On my way
Wade Hayes-Are we having fun yet
Wade Hayes-Old Enough To Know Better
Wanda Jackson-Cash on the barrelhead
Wanda Jackson-Happy Tracks Wanda Jackson-Long tall Sally
Wanda Jackson-Hard headed woman
Wanda Jackson-Heart trouble
Wanda Jackson-I Betcha My HeartI Love You
Wanda Jackson-Lets have a party
Wanda Jackson-Lost weekend Wanda Jackson-Tweedlee dee
Wanda Jackson-Man we had a party
Wanda Jackson-Rockabilly Fever
Vargas Blues Band-Black cat boogie
Vargas Blues Band-Ride baby ride
Vargas Blues Band-Scratch me back
Vargas Blues Band-Texas tango
Waylon Jennings-Laid back country picker
WC Clark-Twist Of The Knife Willie Nelson-Bloody Mary morning
Willie Nelson-Good hearted woman
Willie Nelson-Little old fashioned karma
Willie Nelson-Nothing i can do about it now
Willie Nelson-Sisters coming home
Willie Nelson-Will the circle be unbroken
Vince Gill-I never really knew you Vince Gill-I quit
Vince Gill-A little left over Vince Gill-Liza Jane
Vince Gill-Ridin the rodeo Vince Gill-Rita Ballou
Woodbox Gang-Do That Messin Round
Wynonna-Love Like That Yank Rachell-Going to St Louis
A La Carte-Ring Me Honey ABBA-Gimme Gimme Gimme
Amii Steward-Knock On Wood Arabesque-Friday night
Boney M-Gotta go home
Boney M-Happy song
Boney M-Hold On Im Coming
Boney M-Rasputin
Black Groove-Up side down Junior-Disco
Claudja Barry-Boogie woogie dancing shoes
Donna Summer-Hot Stuff Dee D Jackson-Sos love the rescue
Eruption-One Way Ticket Frantique-Night People These Days
Miquel Brown-Black Leather Funky Diamonds-Bad Girls
Peter Jacques Band-Walking On Music
Roni Griffith-Take me out Ace Of Base-My Deja Vu
Ace Of Base-World down under
Bee M-Living In A World Of Sunshine
Blue Lagoon-Stop That Train
Box Of Laces-Living in Danger
Bu Bu Man-Love conversation
Colonia-Bozicna noc D Bomb-Kochaj mnie
Dr Alban-Away from home Dr Alban-Gimme Dat Lovin
Eldorado-Papa Carlo Eldorado-Sveiciens
Energie-Avantura Energie-Hladne noci
Freebee-True Hani-Progutacu te
Move Generation-Catch Me Im Falling
Mr President-Simbaleo Mystic-Into the sun
Nika-V nashem raione Pandera-Come To Me
S Sense-Hallo Tim Tim-Weep No Child
Sonic Dream Collective-Oh baby all
Two In One-Wave your hands in the air
Waldo-Cool lover Waldo-Gimme gimme
Yaki Da-Teaser on the catwalk
Yana Kay & Fors-Baby Girl
Aqua-Roses are Red Bambee-Spaceman
Bambee-I wanna be wild Big Time-Superman
Coconut Girl-Fly away
Coconut Girl-Love is on the way
Daze-Superhero Daze-Toy Boy
Daze-Mizz Molly EVELYN-Oh Mama
Djumbo-Hide seek catch us if you can
Hit N Hide-Run Run Me & My-Lion Eddie
Q Pow-More and more Q Pow-Oh my god
Q Pow-Couldnt get away Q Pow-I wanna know
Q Pow-If you really want me
Smile DK-Doo be di boy Smile DK-Dragonfly
Smile DK-Golden Sky Smile DK-Kissy kissy
Smile DK-Boys Smile DK-Butterfly
Smile DK-Dancing all alone
The Fireman-Fireman academy
Tiggy-Simsalabim Tiggy-Daddy Boom
Toybox-Cowboy Joe Toybox-The sailor song
Albert One-Turbo diesel Aleph-Go Baby
Alphatown-Bodyrock Atrium-Weekend
Anthonys Game-Sunshine Love
Baby Baby-Sex succes Baby Baby-Voodoo dollar
Babys Gang-America Babys Gang-Challenger
Bazykina Twins-Moskow Nights
Bobby Orlando-All Pain No Gain
Bobby Orlando-Dangerous Game
Bobby Orlando-Happy Energy
Bobby Orlando-Identity Energy
Bobby Orlando-Obsession Bobby Orlando-Primitive
Bobby Orlando-Reputation Bobby Orlando-Revolutionary
Bobby Orlando-When A Man Cries
Body Heat-Dont want your kisses anymore
Boytronic-Killing Fields
Boytronic-Late Night Satellite
Chip Chip-Everything You Love
Chris-Take Me To The Top
Christina-Love Is Like A Bird
Click-Duri Duri Coo Coo-Uiah Eiah
Coo Coo-Upside down
Dance Department-Paradise
Debut De Soiree-Nuit De Folie
Eddy Huntington-Bang Bang Baby
Eddy Huntington-Meet My Friend
Elvin-Set My Heart On Fire
Evelyn Thomas-This Is Madness
Fancy-After Midnight Fancy-Gimme a sign
Fancy-Go cha cha Fancy-I cant forget you
Fancy-Slice me Nice
Fun Fun-Happy station
Fred Ventura-Wind Of Change
Grant Miller-Wings of love
Gipsy & Queen-Love & Passion
Ingela-Do The Motion Ingola-In the dark
James Cooler-Lover To Lover
Joy-Touch by touch
Kathy Joe Taylor-Little Witch
Ken Laszlo-Hey hey guy
Ken Laszlo-Tonight Kinky Go-Feel The Power
Lee Marrow-Mr Fantasy Les Montes-Dreams of Rio
Lian Ross-Say Youll Never
Mike Mareen-Agent Liberty
Mirage-Nastupaet noch Mirage-Snejinka
Mirage-Otpusti menya
Mirage-Ya ne shuchu
Mirage-Ya ne xochu
Modern Rocketry-I Feel Love Coming
Moulin Rouge-You and me
Night Society-Hold Me Tight
Paul Lekakis-Boom boom(lets go back to my room)
Roger Lee -You spin me round
Sabrina-Boys(Summertime Love)
Silent Circle-Touch in the night
Stacey Q-Two of hearts Stacey Q-We connect
The Flirts-Helpless (You Took My Love)
The Flirts-Temptation
Svetlana Razina-Zabytuu pesnu neset veterok
Waterfront Home-Take A Chance On Me
C C Catch-Are you man enough
C C Catch-Backseat Of Your Cadillac
C C Catch-Hollywood Nights
C C Catch-House Of Mystic Lights
C C Catch-Like A Hurricane
Dieter Bohlen-Body Heat
Dieter Bohlen-Cest La Vie
Dieter Bohlen-Dont Stop To Dance
Dieter Bohlen-I Want To Be Your Brother
Dieter Bohlen-Dr Mabuse Dieter Bohlen-Laila
Dieter Bohlen-I Miss You
Dieter Bohlen-Love Me On The Rocks
Dieter Bohlen-Magic Symphony
Dieter Bohlen-My Bed Is Too Big
Dieter Bohlen-On And On
Dieter Bohlen-Only With You
Dieter Bohlen-Praying To The Aliens
Dieter Bohlen-Romeo & Juliet
Dieter Bohlen-Sister cool
Dieter Bohlen-This old town
Dieter Bohlen-Under My Skin
Systems In Blue-Point Of No Return
Systems In Blue-Voodoo Queen
TM Joy-Take me to the limit
TM Joy-Why you let me go
Trans X-Im yours tonight
Weekend-Oceniam namierzam
Collective-Jestes jak moj aniol
Collective-Lets take a ride
Collective-Mala lady
Collective-Nocne randez vous
Collective-Walk into the light
Fresh Fox-Queen Of The Night Fresh Fox-SMS
Fresh Fox-Take The Chance
Italian Gigolos Meets Fresh Fox-Moscow party girl
Laskoviy May-Belie rozy Laskovy Mai-Eldorado
Les McKeown-Love Is Just A Breath Away
Magdalene-You Can Do
Moving Heroes-Not good enough
Patty Ryan-Youre My Love (My Life)
Sandy Wilson-Gimme your love tonight
The Daylite-Game of Chance
The Daylite-Stay a While
666-Salute ATB-9 pm till i come
Basslovers United-Music Blossom-Time machine
Clubraiders-Move Your Hands Up
Cyber 4-Area 51 Cyber 4-Astrogenetic
Das Modul-Holodeck 4 Hyperkraft-Energie
Major T-Dicky down Mash-I like the house
Mash-In your arms Mash-Oak island
Re Porter-Madchen last die mopse tanzen
Scooter-I was made for lovin you
Scooter-Rebel Yell Klubbhoppers-Rain
A Moe-Little Red Riding Hood
A Moe-Touch Me
Ace Of Base-Black sea
Acting Lovers-Enjoy That
Activate-Let The Rhythm Take Control
Activate-Save me
Adastra Feat Matrix-Iaonnama
Afrika Bambaata-Feel the vibe
After Touch-She Wanna Dance
Afterlife 07-Its a good guy
Afterlife 07-More more more
Afterlife 07-Powstrzymaj mnie
Afterlife 07-Zatrzymany cios
Agata-My Fear Ahmex-Paparazzi
Alana Dante-They Say Its Gonna Rain
Alex C-Du hast den schoensten arsch der welt
Alex C-So geil so Alexia-Me and You
Alexia Phillips-Night Stalker
Alex-You Don't Have To Be Afraid
Alex-You Gotta Fight Now
Alizee-Moi lolita Alphatown-Harajuku Nights
Amanda Lear-Peep Angela-Poi
Angie Davies-Jumpin Up
Ann Sinclair-Love And Fire
Ann Winsborn-All night
Ann Winsborn-Je nai pas compris
Ann Winsborn-Kickin out
Ann Winsborn-La la love of my mind
Ann Winsborn-Perfect lover
Annalise-OK All Right
Antares-Ride on a meteorite
Antique-Time to say goodbye
Aprelskie Sny-Aprel aprel
Aprelskie Sny-Sivka burka
Archon-Cambodia Arena-Fly Away
Armija-Amerika v isterike
Army Of Lovers-Life is fantastic
Army Of Lovers-Lit de Parade
Army Of Lovers-Mr Battyman
Army Of Lovers-Sexual revolution
Azuka Feat Dj Honfo-Aafrica is calling
B G The Prince Of Rap-The dancer
Back 2 Back-Say Yes
Bad Boys Blue-Anyway Forever
Bad Boys Blue-Close your eyes
Bad Boys Blue-Gimme gimme your lovin
Bad Boys Blue-How i need you
Bad Boys Blue-Im your lover
Bad Boys Blue-Join the bad boys blue
Bad Boys Blue-Jungle In My Heart
Bad Boys Blue-Kisses & tears(My one and only)
Bad Boys Blue-Lover on the line
Bad Boys Blue-People Of The Night
Bad Boys Blue-Pretty young girl
Bad Boys Blue-Rhythm Of Rain
Bad Boys Blue-S O S for love
Bad Boys Blue-Show me the way
Bad Boys Blue-Youre a woman
Bananarama-System Banaroo-Heya comanchero
Base Department-You Let Me Down
Base Loop-Hear the Stars
Base Project-Setting Sun
Basic Element-Another Day
Basic Element-How To Come Close To U
Basic Element-I Want U
Basic Element-Love 4 Real
Basic Element-Move Me Basic Element-Revolution
Basic Element-Rule Your World
Basic Element-Strike It Up
Basic Element-The Fiddle
Basic Element-The Promise Man
Basic Element-The Ride
BASIC ELEMENT-This Must Be A Dream
Basic Element-Vision Of My Mind
Bass 6-Move Your Body
Bass Rockers VS Dj Pedros-6 Little Eggs
Basshunter-Boten Anna Basshunter-Dota
Bazooka Girl-Money Funny Dollars
Bazooka Girls-Velfarre 2000
Beat Society-Feel the beat
Beat Street-Otecu te
Beat System-Stay With Me
Bee Fun-Night creature Bee M-Gimme
Black Spaghetti-Change The Future
Black Spaghetti-Groovin
Black Spaghetti-U Feel The Rhythm
Blizzard-Its only love Blue Bamboo-Sunny
Blondes-Magic Love Affair
Blue Heart-Singin Im Happy
Bombers-Disco Energy
Boris-Shalaka boom
Buenos Ares-Duze dzieci
Buenos Ares-Tego mi potrzeba
Bushman-No 1 else Bwo-Lay your love on me
Camarco-Boom Boom Capital Sound-Desire
Cappella-Move It Up
Captain Hollywood Project-Impossible
Captain Hollywood Project-One Love
Captain Hollywood-Love And Pain
Captain Jack-Another one bites the dust
Captain Jack-Hai Hai Hai
Caramell-Om du var min Caramell-Osenh
Carcon-Bazooka man Cardenia-Desire
Cardenia-Happy station Cardenia-Passion
Cardenia-Living on video Cardenia-Self contro
Casalla-In the rain Casalla-Paradise
Centory-Take it to the limit
Censor-Dance Cherry-Abracadabra
Cherry-Stop Teasing My Heart
Chester-Come To My Bedroom
Chic Desire-Say say say i am your number one
Chipz-Chipz Dance xperienz Chorale-Shamaaninainen
Chorale-Voit mua koskettaa
Ciao Ciao-Bang Bang Crashing Of The Boom Boom
Ciao Ciao-Give me your heaven
Cindy-In the rhythm of the night
Claudia Vip-Walking down the street
Clock-Whoomph There It Is
Clock-You Get Me Love Clock-Everybody
Cobalt-Look At Me Code Red-18
Codex-Acis neaizver Codex-Eskimosa sapnis
Codex-Gara diena Codex-Laiks runat
Codex-Power games 93
Corona-Baby baby Corona-Try Me Out
Corona-I dont wanna be a star
Corona-When I Give My Love
Coro-Theres Something Going On
Cosmic Company-Billy Shakespeare
Cosmica-Dj zatancz ze mna
Cre Dance-Dance floor orulet
Cre Dance-Dance party
Cre Dance-Hosszu meg az ej
Cre Dance-Szallj velem
Culture Beat-Anything Culture Beat-Mr Vain
Culture Beat-Crying In The Rain
Cut N Move-Get yourself together
Cutoff Feat Thea Austin-Move
Cymurai Feat Thea Austin-Magic Touch
D2D Feat Tajal-Take Your Time
D Bomb-Smak zabawy Damage Control-Trust
Dana Dusk-Come on(make my day)
Dance 4 Color-More of the hot stuff
Dancefloor Syndroma-Power Of Luv
Danzel-You Are All Of That
Dave Rodgers-I Was Made For Lovin You
David Essex-Love & Celebration
David R Jones-Toy Boy
DCX-Poor Romeo
DEAD OR ALIVE-You Spin Me Round
Decadance-Latin Lover Decadence-Bailemos
Dee Dee Wonder-Mayday
Def Dames Dope-Aint Nothin To It
Def Dames Dope-Havin A Good Time
Def Dames Dope-Ive got the hots for u
Def Dames Dope-Never giving in
Def Dames Dope-Obsession
Del Junior-Plomien Del Junior-Zamkniety krag
Delta Queens-Bye Bye Tokyo Demo-Solnyshko
Depeche Mode-Master And Servant
Depeche Mode-Personal Jesus
DEPECHE MODE-Photographic Desire-Why Me
Di Bronks And Natali-Balalaika
Di Bronks And Natali-Fight 2 right
Di Bronks And Natali-Na linii ognya
Di Bronks And Natali-Pokolenie svobody
Di Bronks And Natali-Tam za gorizontom
Di Bronks And Natali-Trance dance
Diesel Action-Music 4 Me Diesel Action-U gotta keep
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders Feat Eric Singleton-Youre My Heart Youre My Soul
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-After your love is gone
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Arabian gold
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Atlantic is calling
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Bother Louie
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Cheri cheri lady
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Cosmic girl
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Doctor for my heart
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Dont worry
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Geronimos cadillac
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-In 100 years
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Jet airliner
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Locomotion Tango
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Lonely Tears In Chinatown
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Sexy sexy lover
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Sweet Little Sheila
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Taxi girl
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-Witchqueen Of Eldorado
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-You are not alone
Dieter Bohlen And Thomas Anders-You can win if you want
Diskoteka Avariya-Malinki
Dj Albert-Obejmij mnie Dj Albert-Twoj romeo
DJ Alligator Project-Lollipop
DJ Alligator Project-The Whistle Song
DJ Bobo-Let the dream come true
DJ Bobo-Love is all around
DJ Bobo-Celebration DJ Bobo-Pray
Dj Bobo-Take control DJ Company-Fly Away
DJ Company-Holiday In The Land Of Love
Dj Dali-Halgass a szivedre Dj Miko-Hot stuff
Double Active-Hocus Pocus Double Active-Light My Fire
Double Fox-Nice Life Double Vision-All Right
Double You-Dancing with an angel
Double You-Thats the way Double You-Wonderful World
Dr Alban-Away from home Dr Alban-Gimme Dat Lovin
Dr Alban-Go see the dentist Dr Alban-Let the beat go on
Dr Alban-Long time ago Dreamland-Cant Get Enough
Dr No-In The Middle Of The Night
Drömhus-Tills vi ses Dymension-Nothing Can
E Motion-Into Eternity E Rotic-Do It All Night
E Rotic-Dont Talk Dirty To Me
E Rotic-Dr Love E Rotic-Get Away
E Rotic-Kiss My Lips E Rotic-Sex Me
E Rotic-Lemmings On The Run
E Rotic-Max dont have sex with your ex
E Rotic-Talk To Your Girl E Type-Fight It Back
E Type-The Predator E Type-Until The End
E Type-World On Fire Energie-Hladne noci
Echo Bass-Gotta Dance With The Music
Eclipse-Change Your Love
Eight Wonder-IM Not Scared
Elize-Automatic Elize-Cant You Feel It
Elize-Mr Know It All Ella-Ne vjeruj snovima
Emergency House-Feldob a tanc
Emjay-In Your Arms Emjay-Sing It
Emjay-You Say Love EMMA-En Pa Miljonen
Eskimos & Egypt-Come together
Eurobeat Girls-Rockey Dance
Eurogroove-Its on you(scan me)
EVELYN-I Wanna Dance
Everyday People-Ernies Adventure
Exil-I want you Exil-We can do it
Expected Two-Dont break my heart
Face 2 Face-I want you
Factual Beat-Give Me All Your Love
Factual Beat-Groove your soul
Factual Beat-Never Let You Go
Falone-Sarahs Nights Fanny-Maximum
Fastway-Been A Bang Fastway-Monsters Ready
Fastway-Crash Boom Burn Me Up
Fastway-Ministry Of Power
First Base-Love Is Paradise
Flags-One more Flexx-Jackpot
Flexx-The Good The Bad The Ugly
Flexx-Runner Up FM-Take Me Higher
Fourteen 14-Dont Leave Me Franz Tornado-Danger
Fred Ventura-Wind Of Change
Free 2 Night-Music in your mind
Fun Factory-Close To You Fun Tomas-Tancz Ze Mna
Future Beat-Dance To The Rhythm
Future Beat-For Your Love Future Beat-X Tasy
Garcon-Bazookaaa Garcon-Super Kaiser
Garfield-Party Of Love
Garfield-Cool Cat Gentle-Moving
George Aaron-Just illusion
Gigi DAgostino-Another Way
Gina T-Boy oh boy Gina T-Lady Saigon
Gina T-Money for my honey
Gina T-Tokyo by night
Giorgia V-Shot Shot Shot
Go Go Girls-Bad Desire
Go Go Girls-Black & white
Go Go Girls-Hot vampire
Go Go Girls-I Wanna Be Fat
Go-Lets all chant Hamlet-Swedish fantasy
Good Shape-I can love you
Groovetek-Dance The Night Away
Groovetek-Love Tonight
Gunther-One Night Stand H2Blond-Bodytalk
Haddaway-Rock My Heart
Haiducii-More N More
Hazell Dean-Turn It Into Love
Heat Hunter-Walking on clouds
Heath Hunter & The Pleasure Company-Revolution in paradise
High Frequency-Love In Stereo
Hit N Hide-Run Run Hubo Bosss-Cool It
Hurricane-Power to jump HYENA-NAKED IN THE RAI
Hype-Hands Up Hype-You and I
Ice MC-Anything Can Happen Ice MC-Its A Rainy Day
Ice MC-Its Up To You Ice MC-On The Scene
Ice MC-Never Stop Believing
Ice MC-Take Away The Colour
Ice Mc-Think about the way
Igorek-Xochu tebya srochno
Igorek-Ochen nado Ika-Go godzilla go
Imperio-Amor infinitus (Dont fade away)
Imperio-Nostra culpa Imperio-Quo vadis
Imperio-The night is magic
Imperio-Veni vidi vici
In Grid-Tu es foutu Indra-Disco fever
Indra-Gimme Whats Real
Indra-Save my life Indra-Misery
Intermission-Its My Life
Intermission-Six Days
IRINA Saltõkova-Solnechnyi drug
Izabela-Czy znasz dni
Italian Gigolos Meets Fresh Fox-Moscow party girl
Ixiomara-The abc of love
Jamie Dee-People(Everybody Needs Love)
Jamie Dee-Its all over Jamie Dee-So good
Jamie Price-Lies Janne-Shiny Lights
Jamrose-Do The Dance Jamrose-Posse Boy
Janal-You Gotta Set Me Free
Jarrell-Tell me the secret
Jeff Driller-Back In Danger
Jeff Driller-Stop and go
Jenny Kee-Carry on
Jessica-Like A Burning Star
Jessy-Look At Me Now Jessy-Silent Tears
Jimmy Somerville-Come on
JK-My radio JK-You and I
JLM-Captivate me JLM-Groovy beat
Joe Banana-Wild Boy Bad Love
Johhna-Let the spirit move
Johhna-I live for the night
Johhna-Out of my head
Johhna-Out of the dark Johhna-Treat me right
Jordy-Dur dur detre un bebe
Jordy-Alison Jungle 5-Feel The Power
K2-Die nachtigall singt
K2-Der Berg Ruft K2-Keep On Dancing
K Da Cruz-Love is lifting me higger
K Da Cruz-New high energy
K Mono-Take my body Kaska-Czas oszukal nas
Kangaroo-Somebody watching me
Karina Sedkowska-For you i die
Karina Sedkowska-Nasz ostatni taniec
Karolina-Juz tylko blekit
Karolina-Mow do mnie mow
Karolina-Nie uwolnie sie od ciebie
Karolina-Powiedz mi to tylko slowa
Karolina-Progulka Karolina-Tak musi byc
Karolina-Tracisz mnie Karolina-Vot i vse
KC Linn-Got to get it on
Kevin & Cherry-Chemical Love
Key Motion-Let The Music
King & Queen-Speedy Runner
King Of Paradise-Give Me Your Love
King Of Paradise-One Night Stand
Komissar-Dryan Komissar-Lexa
Komissar-Ty uidesh Kraski-Patsany
Kraski-Ty nikogo ob etom bolshe ne prosi
Ku Minerva-Hoy sin ti Kristy-Crazy Crazy
Kryss-Strangers Kryss-Tonight
Kylie Minogue-Step back in time
Kylie Minogue-The Locomotion
Kylie Minogue-Turn it into love
Kymelle-Show That Body Baby
La Bouche-Be My Lover
La Bouche-You Wont Forget Me
La Casa-Free Your Soul
La Strada-Czy pamietasz
La Strada-Obiecja mi
La Strada-Teraz musisz chciec
LA Work-Crazy Boy Lalene-The Best
Lada Dance-Devochka noch
Larissa Tsernikova-Vlublennyi samolet
Le Click-Tonight is the night
Lena Meyer Landrut-Satellite Lenin-Mystery
Les Blue Bells-Lets Feel The Night
Lil Suzy-When I Fall In Love
Lillypop-Happy Tu Tu Ta
Lime-Big Lips Babe Lime-Guilty
Lime-No other love i need it bad
Linda & Co-I Just Cant Get Enough
Linda M-Fool For Your Love
Linda Rocco-Fly With Me
Linda-Fill My Belly Little Beat-Pismo
Lipstick-Believe in miracles
Loc 8-Message On Air
LOFT-Hold On Loft-Love Is Magic
Loft-Its Raining Again
Loft-Life Is A Game
Loft-Magic Of The Night
Loft-Summer Summer Lolly O-Chilly boy
Logic Beat-I Wanna Cry
Loletta Holloway-Love Sensation
London Boys-Chinese radio
London Boys-El matinero
London Boys-Harlem desire
London Boys-Im gonna give my heart
London Boys-London Nights
London Boys-My love London Boys-Requiem
London Mc-Move the crowd
Look Twice-Move That Body
Look Twice-Mr Dance & Mr Groove
Look Twice-Power People
Loree Williams-Gimme Your Love
Loreen Q-I Need You Lorie-Je vais vite
Lostn Found-Built It Up
Love 4 Sale-Do you feel so right
Love Dove-Say You Want Me
Love Factory-Get Up Now
Love Message-Love Message
Lucy Diamond-Nitelife
Lukash-Odjazdowa muza
Luna-Kao po staklu Luxoria-Get High
Mach 7-Alacazam Madison-Borderline
Mad Boy-I think of you Magic Kefir-Tancolj
Madonna-Sorry Maduar-Mystic Party
Magic Affair-Give Me All Your Love
Magic Affair-Passion And Desire
Magik Force-Body and soul
Mahoney-Lets go on holiday
Mako-Mad Desire Manola-I just move around
Manico-I dont know Manico-Turn me on
Manuela-Stand and dance
Mark Farina-Keep my love alive
Mark Foster-Like a fire
Martika-I Feel the Earth Move
Mary Jay-Hey call me now
Masterboy-Feel The Fire
Masterboy-Feel The Heat Of The Night
Masterboy-Generation Of Love
Masters Of Vision-Good thing
Matchboxx-Love peace and harmony
Max Coveri-Running In The 90s
Maxi Beat-Coca cola Maxx-Get a way
Maxx-No More(I Can't Stand It)
Maya-Come into your heart Maya-Music
Mc Diva-Hey hey sprobuj raz
Mc Diva-Wiem ze tego chcesz
Mc Erik & Barbara-Save The Jungle
Mc Erik And Barbara-I wish an another day
Mc Erik And Barbara-Im free
Mc Erik And Barbara-Its your day
Mc Jack And Sister J-Movin up and down
Mc Major-Show Me The Way
Mc Rive And The D Joyce Spirit-Naye
Me 4 U-Stoghtte here we are
Me & My-Lion Eddie
Mega Dance-Kochac calym sercem
Mega Dance-Spiewaj I Graj
Mela-Hurry hurry hurry
Melanie Bender-Dreamlover
Melanie Bender-I Just Got To Be Free
Melanie Bender-You Just Want Sex
Melodie Mc-Dum Da Dum
Memo-Street Kids Mera-Feel like it
MI Project-Believe in love
Michael Fortunati-Cest you oh no
Michael Fortunati-Take me baby
Michael J Gibbs-Back to heaven
Michael J Gibbs-Save my soul
Mike Skanner-Hot Dog Milk Inc-In my eyes
Milk Inc-Losing love
Mirror-Yo se que tu volveras
Mister Y-Wa doo mi doo wej
Mister Y-Wind of your way
Monni-Can you feel my heart
Morgana-Colours of my dream
Morgana-Now and ever
Move Generation-Catch Me Im Falling
Morgana-On the run Movetron-Rivinen
Movetron-Mita mielessa liikkuu
Movetron-Rakkauden tahti
Mr John-Its not too late
Mr John-U Gotta Move Me
Mr President-I would die 4 for you
Mr President-You can get it
Mr President-FBI Mr Shah-Vamoz
Mr Trash-Ich on do
MTS-Im gonna make you love me
Mylene Farmer-Desenchantee
Mylene Farmer-Je TAime Mélancolie
Mylene Farmer-Sans Contrefa?on
Nadia-Take me up Nando-Love Killer
Nance-Big brother is watching you
Nance-Kiss it NASA-I wanna fly
Natali-Kap kap
Natali-Pervyi luch
Natali-Veter s morya
Natali-Ya daru tebe
Natali-Ya lublu tebya
Natali-Ya opyat odna
Natasha Hagen-Sweet La La Love
Navayah-What about my love boy
Neja-Ja zakrivaju Glaza
Nelly Furtado-Suficiente Tiempo
Neo-Midnight Love New Limit-Lies
New Limit-In My Heart
New Limit-In the dark
Never Look Back-Dangerous
Never Look Back-Master Of Light
Nexx-Syncronize lips Nika-Kak shtyk
Nick Key-The Speed Of Light
Night People-In the night
Night People-Take me tonight
Nikita-Dancing In The Jungle
Nikita JR-Dancing is my fever
Nuage-Dont Wanna Lose You Baby
Oda-Face To Face Okkio-4 your love
Omnia Tria-Emotions More
On TV-Just A Dream One Use-Together
One Dj Project-Gotta dance
One Nation-Just high
One Shot-Set you free
Open Arms Feat Rowetta-Hey mr dj
Ophelia-Hand in hand
Orange Blue-If You Wanna Be
Osmania-Face of a stranger
Out Of Mind-Destination nowhere
Outta Control-I Wanna Feel The Music
Outta Control-Tonight It's Party Time
Pandora-The Naked Sun Patsy-Money 4 me
Passion Club-Gotta give my heart
Paula Abdul-Straight Up
Peaches-Dansa nu Peaches-Skateboard
Peaches-Dra till magaluf
Peaches-Vi kommer loss
Pet Shop Boys-Paninaro
Phase One-One more night
Pid-I guess they think that
Plastico-Communicate Plaza-O Oh
Pop Power Company-I want fallow in love
Power Kids-Pokojny sen
Power Kids-Pozegnalny list
Power Kids-Twoj aniol stroz
Power Kids-Wakacje w hollywood
Power Play-Dales wszystko
Powerzone-Give up Priority-Time To Unite
Prezident I Amazonka-Amazonka
Prezident I Amazonka-Klubnichka
Prince Max Who-In my life
Pro DJ-Am revenit Pro DJ-Ce sa fac
Pro DJ-Fa o cu mine Profile-Pod Lunoj
PTB-Move your body PTB-Tell me why
Propaganda-Serdtse uxodit v razvetku
Propaganda-Super detka
Propaganda-Yai ya Project 96-Zapomnij
Pulse Of The Beat-Move it all juurde
Quasimodo-All i want is you
Ragga 2 Sunshine-Jambo jambo jambo
Really Zed-Everybody muv
Rednex-Spirit Of The Hawk
Reech-Give me your love Reflex-Tantsy
Reggy O-Move my body Reset-Play
Respect-Take me away Rotate-Lovedream
Rhythm Reaction-Youre not alone
Riverside People-You got to move
Roxidor-No reason Roxxy-I Feel Love
Ruki Vverh-Ai yai yai Ruki Vverh-Kroshka moya
Ruki Vverh-Chujie guby
Ruki Vverh-Devochki kolxoznitsy
S Cape-Set me free S Sense-Hallo
Samantha Fox-Do Ya Do Ya (Wanna Please Me)
Samira-Gotta have the music
Samira-When I Look Into Your Eyes
Sandra-La Vista De Luna Sandra-Secret Land
Sandra-Stay in touch
Santamaria-Rumos da verdade
Sash-Back in my life Sash-Rock the block
SAY-Winner of the game
Selena-Timebomb September-Satellites
Sex Appeal-Let Me Feel Your Sexappeal
Sex Appeal-Voulez vous coucher avec moi
Shannon James-Because i love u
Shannon James-Far away
Shazza-Bierz co chcesz
Shine-By the light of nature
Shock Shock-Tak ma o nam potrzeba
Silvia Coleman-Feeling now the music
Sirius Feat MC Eric-This is my life
Simplicia-Passion Sisters-Jak wiatr
Sky Red-I cant let you go
Skyline-Dream in the night
Slam-Back to the Music Slam-U Got 2 Know
Soho Party-A szerelem var
Soho Party-Gyere tancolj
Soho Party-Love mozgasd a testem
Soho Party-Nezz az egre
Solid Base-Dance To The Beat
Solid Base-Dont Give Up Sylver-Make it
Solid Base-Stay With Me Sylver-Fallin
Solina-The Music Comes Alive
Solo-Show me love Sophie-Treat me right
Soundlovers-All Day All Night
Soundlovers-Living In Your Head
Soundlovers-We Wanna Party
Soundstream-Feel the rhythm
Soundstream-One by one
Soundstream-Only you
Soundstream-Planet beats and bass
Soundstream-Save you
Soundstream-You do Sounlab-Fine
Stachursky-Jezeli mozesz taki jestem
Stanley Foort-Love Makes The World Go Round
Steinberg-Interactive phrase dance
Steinberg-Energy Stella Getz-Energy
Stella Getz-All In All Stella Getz-Friends
Strelki-Ya xoroshaya Strelki-Popsa
Strelki-Shipy i rozy Strelki-Bumerang
Sub Zero-Feel The Vibe Subtopia-Move It
Sun Only Project-Spirit Of Africa
Sundown-2 the top take me up
Super Moonies-Macht der nebel
Susy-Give Me Another Chance
Sweet Flowers-Ive Got To Feel You
Sweet Lies-Boy im your toy
Sweet Lies-Singing yeah oh
Sweet Lies-The beast of prey
Sweet Lies-Sweet lies Swann-I love my life
Svetlana Razina-Zabytuu pesnu neset veterok
Svetlana Vladimirskaya-Goryachii veter
Svetlana Vladimirskaya-Gusi lebedi
Svetlana Vladimirskaya-Zabytyi ug
Svetlana Rerih-Ladoshki Sydney Fresh-Devotion
Sydney Fresh-Here we go
Sydney Fresh-Rhythm typer
Synthesis-Time is right
Systematixx-Move it up
Systematixx-Power of love
Zenith-We dance the night away
Zero PH-Higher rhythm Zodiac-Ever More
Zoo Inc-Lay down T Red-Destiny
T Zone-Movin up and down
Take Twice-Its True Taleesa-I Found Luv
Technotronic-Recall Tamo-City of magic
Technotronic-Are You Ready
Tee Green-Dont hold back
Temperance-Lost In Love Tess-Story Of My Life
Texture-Over the night Texture-Power Of Love
Texture-Take a chance on me
TH Express-Im on your side
The Lovers-Love Me To The Limit
The Rhythm Section-Can you feel
Time Cut-The summer Tokia-Fax Me
Time Out-Harden my heart
Time Spirit Feat Dj Zesar-The Palace
To Kool Chris-The roof is on fire
Tommy K-You Need A Lover
Too Different-Destiny Tri Star-Sef Deluxe
Toolex-Fly Away Top Ten-The good times
Topaz-The great commandment
Trans X-To be or not to be
Trey D-Higher and higher
Trivial Voice-Dance to the beat
Tuff E Nuff-Yo yo Two In One-Lover
Unique 2-Dance all night
Unique 2-Take it
Unique 2-Free Uniq-Someday
Unit T-No secrets
United Dance Floors-Life is one
United-Nie trac wiary
United-Ty i ja Unit-Live it up
Unity Loops-Part of you
Unlimited Nation-Changes
Upfront-Dream come true
Upfront-Alone Waldo-Cool lover
Waldo-Gimme gimme
Waldos People-U drive me crazy
Valencia No Existe-Feel your loving
Valentina-Broken Illusion
Van Gog-Problemi Varaderos-I like it
Vandana-In the name of love
Vengaboys-Ho Ho Vengaboys
Venus & Marc-Summertime
Vertical Vibe-Everybodys free
West Inc-Im gonna get you
West Inc-Rhythm takes your higher
West Inc-Vision in your hand
Whigfield-Much More Via Gra-Hold me closer
Victoria Silvstedt-Party line
Victory-Ready 4 your love
Wienna-Only one View-Step By Step
Virus-Veselye devchonki
Virus-Poproshu tebya
Virus-Papa ViZaVi-Soberi Eti Zwezdy
Vostok-Ty vozmi menya s soboi
X Bass-Get on the floor
X Cell-My dream X Pose-All My Life
X Lite-Down down down
X Pression-Come on
X Pression-This is our night
X Session-Lucky Number
X Stress-Ive got the feeling
X Tend Feat Wincent-I Dont Care
X Tend Feat Wincent-Tell me
Xeya-Kiss me XLNT Marc-Fake
Yena-Feel The Beat Of Love
Yoly-Dime Yoly-Say me
You Know Who-Good and evil
Yurtseven Kardesler-Bir tek san
Andreus2 09. jaanuar 2025, kl 02.20
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