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Transiitne Chiron
Heiron 15. aprill 2016, kl 21.54
Kas keegi ütleks mõne sõna transiitse Chironi Marsi trigooni kohta, mis hakkab minu tegemisi nüüdsest paari aasta jooksul mõjutama.
Loll 16. aprill 2016, kl 12.40
Maja ja märk loevad samuti.
Heiron 16. aprill 2016, kl 14.02
Transiitne Chiron 7.majas Kalades ja sünnihetke Mars 11.majas Vähis.
Heiron 16. aprill 2016, kl 14.08
Hakkasin keerutama ketast tagasi, et teada saada, kui kiiresti Ciron liigub ja jõudsin aastasse 1991, kus ta oli konjuktsioonis Marsiga ja mäletan, et mul oli sellel ajal raske operatsioon.
Loll 17. aprill 2016, kl 02.50
Chiron on meie lüüasaamised ja haavad, millest me terveneme ja Marss teod, julgus ja sihikindlus. Võimalik, et tervenete haavadest ja pettumustest, mis on seotud sõprade, suurte projektide ja rahadega. 7s maja on partnerlussuhted ja 11 maja sõbrad, grupid ja meie unistused.
IoII 17. aprill 2016, kl 17.06
Mitte ainult tervenemine!
Heiron 19. aprill 2016, kl 11.15
mida see viimane kommentaar tähendab? Mis veel või ehk siis hoopis haigestumine?
xxx 19. aprill 2016, kl 19.25
Heiron 29. aprill 2016, kl 13.31
Sain ühe inglisekeelse tähenduse:
This quality of time can prove to be particularly advantageous if you understand how to make the most of what possibilities are available. You are firm, energetic and self-assured, and you feel less helpless and at the mercy of others than is perhaps usually the case. This gives you the chance to loudly and clearly admit to having those desires and needs that you have often not dared show, because of your feelings of insecurity or inadequacy. Nevertheless these needs exist, and during this time you have enough courage and self-confidence to acknowledge them and overcome the inhibitions concerned.
It is, therefore, a good time to tell someone about your feelings or desires. If at present you have a firm relationship, you can now talk to your partner about needs of yours which, for some reason, you are ashamed of. In short, the quality of time is on your side, if, for once, you want to act out of character without falling flat on your face. If you are prepared to risk taking such a step, you will observe that you by no means meet with a lack of understanding or a rejection; you may even, in this way, encourage your counterpart to come clean about things which he would not otherwise have dared to mention.
In sport, too, or in love, you could try something new today, or go a step further than you otherwise would. If you then see that your inhibitions or fears were groundless, you could also develop a perhaps more intimate relationship with your body as a result of this positive experience.
Independent of all that has been described up to now is the fact that this is also a particularly good time to undergo operations, acupuncture, dental care or some other procedure, or to begin such a course of therapy. This influence can significantly help you with all therapeutic treatments and physical challenges.
hmh 20. mai 2016, kl 19.10
ära üle mõtle. hakkad sõpradega aiamaad kaevama, muud midagi. ja see mõjub musklitele hästi.
Heiron 23. mai 2016, kl 21.07
Põnev tähelepanek eelmiselt, sealt ma just tulen - sõbra aiamaalt, kuid selle vahega, et aiamaad kaevasin mina üksinda ja sõber ei võtnud üldse labidat kätte, no tegi muid töid:)
Heiron 09. mai 2020, kl 20.42
Praegu aspekt transiitne Chiron (6.majas) opositsioonis sünni Päikesega (2.majas). Kas keegi oskaks/viitsiks mõne sõna öelda.
Heiron 09. mai 2020, kl 20.52
oih, transiitne Chiron ikka 8.majas.
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