India luksushotellidesse tööle ettekandjaks ja receptionisse
Nelli Osadolor 07. veebruar 2017, kl 18.12 | Registreerus: 8 aastat tagasi Postitusi: 8 |
Pole küll grupp kus jagada aga kuna oleme siit häid inimesi Eestist Indiasse tööle leidnud, jagan siin ka, eriti oodatud on turismi õpilased ja noored kes on restorani ja baaritöööga varem kokku puutunud:
Indiasse tööle 6. kuuks, jagan kuulutust inglise keeles, kuna CV-d ja intervjuud on
We are looking for 5 interns/girls to work as food/beverage staff and hostesses in a 5 star luxury hotel in India. The duration of a contract is for 6 month and we pay for the tickets, accommodation, food and salary.
We have lots of estonian and finnish people who already working and worked in the same hotels. Work starts in March 2017. India is very exotic country with good food, lots of life, many new contacts and friends and life time experiences. From candidates we wait CV in english, good fotos and later we will set up interview time.
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Facebook: Nelli Osadolor
grupp: Euroindian hospitality&wellness
Meie FB leht:
nr: 53844660
Indiasse tööle 6. kuuks, jagan kuulutust inglise keeles, kuna CV-d ja intervjuud on
We are looking for 5 interns/girls to work as food/beverage staff and hostesses in a 5 star luxury hotel in India. The duration of a contract is for 6 month and we pay for the tickets, accommodation, food and salary.
We have lots of estonian and finnish people who already working and worked in the same hotels. Work starts in March 2017. India is very exotic country with good food, lots of life, many new contacts and friends and life time experiences. From candidates we wait CV in english, good fotos and later we will set up interview time.
Palun võtke minuga otse ühendust
Facebook: Nelli Osadolor
grupp: Euroindian hospitality&wellness
Meie FB leht:
nr: 53844660
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