1. Go to the toilet to pass urine as soon as you feel the urge, rather than holding on.
2. Drink plenty of water every day to flush your urinary system.
3. Avoid drinks that may irritate your bladder. Avoid coffee, alcohol, and soft drinks containing citrus juices and caffeine
4. Wipe yourself from front to back (urethra to anus) after going to the toilet.
5. Wash your genitals before sex and encourage your partner to do the same.
6. Urinate after sex.
7. Wear cotton rather than nylon underwear.
8. Avoid wearing nylon pantyhose, tight pants or tight jeans.
9. Don’t use perfumed soaps, talcum powder or any type of deodorant around your genitals.
10. Avoid bubble baths.
11. Treat vaginal infections such as thrush or trichomoniasis promptly, since these organisms can encourage cystitis.
12. Switch to a different method of birth control if recurring UTIs are a problem
13. Take low doses of the prescribed antibiotic daily for 6 months or longer
14. Take a single dose of an antibiotic after sexual intercourse.
15. Take a short course—2 or 3 days—of an antibiotic when symptoms appear.
16. Waterfall D-Mannose can help to detach bacterial fragments if they are present.
17. Dietary changes may help. Some people believe that certain foods may add to bladder irritation and inflammation (tomatoes, spices, alcohol, chocolate, caffeinated and citrus beverages, and high-acid foods, artificial sweeteners)
18. Use Cranberries for UTI Prevention. You should know cranberries don't seem to work for everyone. Cranberries don't prevent bacteria from growing in the urinary tract -- they just make it harder for the bacteria to take hold. Cranberry juice also doesn't treat urinary tract infections once they've started. Cranberry juice is high in salts called oxalates. When people drink a lot of cranberry juice, these salts can crystallize into hard urinary oxalate stones, especially in people who already tend to get these types of stones.
19. Bladder training to strech the bladder. Try holding it in as long as you can.
20. Stress reduction, and low-impact exercise are said to reduce symptoms.
21. Probiotics Could Help Prevent Urinary Tract Infections
22. Use a heating pad. Apply a warm, but not hot, heating pad to your abdomen to minimize bladder pressure or discomfort
23. Acupuncture
24. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
25. Vaginal Probiotics Could Help Prevent Urinary Tract Infections