We found he had severe deficiencies of vitamin B12, B6, and folate. After we gave him back those essential brain nutrients, he called me to thank me. Last year was the first year he could remember feeling happy and free of depression.
These are just a few of the dozens of things that can cause depression.
The roots of depression are found in the 7 keys to UltraWelless and the 7 fundamental underlying imbalances that trigger the body to malfunction. Taking antidepressants is not the answer to our looming mental health epidemic. The real cure lies in rebalancing the underlying systems in your body that are at the root of all healthy and illness.
Here are a few things you can do to start treating your depression today.
7 Steps to Treat Depression without Drugs
1. Try an anti-inflammatory elimination diet that gets rid of common food allergens. As I mentioned above, food allergies and the resultant inflammation have been connected with depression and other mood disorders.
2. Check for hypothyroidism. This unrecognized epidemic is a leading cause of depression. Make sure to have thorough thyroid exam if you are depressed.
3. Take vitamin D. Deficiency in this essential vitamin can lead to depression. Supplement with at least 2,000 to 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day.
4. Take omega-3 fats. Your brain is made of up this fat, and deficiency can lead to a host of problems. Supplement with 1,000 to 2,000 mg of purified fish
oil a day.
5. Take adequate B12 (1,000 micrograms, or mcg, a day), B6 (25 mg) and folic acid (800 mcg). These vitamins are critical for metabolizing homocysteine, which can play a factor in depression.
6. Get checked for mercury. Heavy metal toxicity has been correlated with depression and other mood and neurological problems. !
7. Exercise vigorously five times a week for 30 minutes. This increases levels of BDNF, a natural antidepressant in your brain.
Overcoming depression is an important step toward lifelong vibrant health. These are just of few of the easiest and most effective things you can do to treat depression. But there are even more, which you can address by simply working through the 7 Keys to UltraWellness.
Now I'd like to hear from you...
Have you been diagnosed with depression?
How have antidepressants worked for you?
Do you plan to try any of the approaches mentioned here?
Please let me know your thoughts
To your good health,
Mark Hyman, M.D.
[7 Steps depressiooni ilma Narkootikumide
1. Püüa põletikuvastane kõrvaldamiseks dieet, mis läheb lahti ühise toidu allergeenid. Nagu ma eespool mainitud, toiduallergiate ja saadud põletiku on seotud depressiooni ja teiste meeleoluhäirete.
2. Kontrollige, hüpotüreoidismi. See tundmatu epideemia on juhtiv põhjustada depressiooni. Veenduge, et on põhjalik kilpnäärme eksam Kui teil on depressioon.
3. Võtke vitamiini vaegus selle olulise vitamiini võib põhjustada depressiooni. Kaasanne vähemalt 2000 kuni 5000 IU D3-vitamiini päevas.
4. Võtke omega-3 rasvu. Teie aju on valmistatud up see rasva ja puudus võib viia mitmeid probleeme. Täiendus 1000 kuni 2000 mg puhastatud kala
naftat päevas.
5. Võtta piisava B12 (1000 mikrogrammi või mcg, päevas), B6 (25 mg) ja foolhapet (800 mcg). Need vitamiinid on kriitilise metabolisatsiooni homotsüsteiini, mis võivad mängida tegur depressiooni.
6. siia kontrollida elavhõbedat. Raskemetallide mürgistuse on korrelatsioonis depressiooni ja teiste tuju ja neuroloogilised probleemid. !
7. Harjutus jõuliselt viis korda nädalas 30 minutit. See suurendab tase BDNF, looduslik antidepressant oma aju.
Ületades depressioon on oluline samm elukestva elavat tervisele. Need on vaid vähesed lihtsaim ja efektiivseim asju, mida saate teha, et depressiooni raviks. Kuid on veel, mida saab lahendada lihtsalt töötab läbi 7 Võtmed UltraWellness.]