Lugemiseks mujalt maailmast.
FYLYBNT • 3 mins 23 secs ago Report AbusePBS just reported, It has been confirmed that opposition leaders hired snipers to shoot at police and civilians in an attempt to make it appear that government backers were escalating the violence. The world is calling the U.S. a hypocrite for condemning violence in Crimea, when it carries out violent activities around the world aimed at destabilizing other country's governments. I sure would like to know the truth. It reminds me of the theories surrounding the assassination of JFK. Who really is behind all this. We know the reason-Money, but who are the real backers?..............................
Minakesele: Ma pidasin silmas minu, vaaala ja jeti konkreetseid repliike, mitte teemat tervikuna, maailm ei ole mustvalge.
Edolfile eraldi: Ma ei jagele kunagi hüsteeriliste naistega, pidasin sind alguses meheks, seepärast lolliks nimetasingi, naistele andestan lolluse, mitte kunagi roppusi. Georgi lint seo omale juustesse lehviks. Minu tegelik nimi on Jüri, sama mis Georgi.